Friday, July 22, 2011

Avoiding the Causes of Migraines

Patients certainly very tormented by migraine headaches side.\ Migraine sufferers are usually sensitive to certain foods, strong perfume, blinking lights, weather changes, as well as other factors. Here are some common factors that lead to migraine pain:

a. food
Some types of foods should be limited so that you do not get a headache:
1. cheddar cheese
2. chocolate
3. Salted foods, pickled, or fermented foods
4. Foods containing nitrites or nitrates such as hot dogs or MSG
5. Nuts
6. Papaya, avocado, citrus
7. Drinking more than two cups of caffeinated beverages such as tea, coffee, or soda per day
8. Alcohol (including red wine and beer)

b. menstruation
For many women, the menstrual cycle is a major trigger of migraine attacks. Attacks usually occur several days before or during a menstrual period. In some women the attacks appears even when ovulation. The decrease of estrogen is believed to be the culprit. Women who are approaching menopause, estrogen levels flukstuasi can also trigger an increased risk of migraine.

c. environment
Strong perfume scent is a direct trigger for some women. Thus, it is sometimes difficult for patients to be in public spaces such as offices and stores in the mall cosmetics. For others, flashing lights or a movie screen in a dark movie theater or the dazzling sunlight through the trees on the street or while driving can also trigger migraines.

d. stress
The most common migraine triggers is stress. Migraine sufferers considered highly responsive emotionally. Anxiety, worry, shock, and sadness, all able to release certain brain chemicals that cause migraine headaches. (MI / RRN)

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