Friday, July 22, 2011

Pregnancy Make More Romantic

Who says pregnancy makes the bedroom so cold?
According to one study, pregnancy actually make matters of the bed becomes warmer, you know.

Orgasms come faster
During pregnancy, hormones progesterone and estrogen will increase in number. That causes the breasts and vagina are more sensitive and easily aroused. Women are more likely to reach orgasm, even multiple orgasms no doubt also be achieved.

Be careful with nausea
In the first trimester, most women often feel nauseated and dizzy. For that, do not force yourself to do sexual activities when dizziness and nausea hit. Find the best time so they feel more comfortable, or at least find a comfortable position.

Orgasm can occur during sleep
Because the breasts and vagina are more sensitive than usual, orgasm can be achieved even while you sleep. Dreams or sexual fantasies can deliver pregnant women, reaching orgasm more easily.

boobs surprise
Size much bigger boobs was not only brings happiness to yourself alone, but also for the husband. If you want to increase the intensity of the intimate, select maternity bra sexy and comfortable for your body.

Do not be surprised if the colostrum also appeared in the middle of intercourse. In some cases, sexual stimulation can trigger the formation of colostrum faster.

Miss V is more 'muddy' than usual
During pregnancy, hormones in the vagina provides an opportunity for more 'muddy' than usual. The good news, Miss V is much softer.

Your baby can feel it
Late in pregnancy, the baby can also feel the penetration of Mr Happy. Some babies react silent, but others just hyperactive. So it is advisable to have intercourse with caution so as not to harm the baby.

Info that is not less important is, if there is bleeding during intercourse during pregnancy, contact your doctor immediately. (kpl / RRN)

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