Monday, July 25, 2011

Grape Seed Can Restore Memory

When to eat grapes, we tend to discard the seeds.
Yet according to research, grape seed extract can be reversed memory loss in people with dementia.

Grape Seed Extract polyphenolics (GSPE) or extracts of grape seed polyphenols are compounds that are very useful to restore the memory in the elderly. Not only that, GSPE also able to improve thinking skills and logic.

Some research suggests Alzheimer's is one cause of dementia, which occurs because of excess brain oligomeric compounds called A-beta protein. The presence of these compounds reduce the function of the brain, particularly in relation to memory.

The grapes have antidotes compounds, namely polyphenols which is known is contained in the flesh. Therefore, drinking grape juice or fermented grape juice is claimed to cope with Alzheimer's or dementia in general.

However, a study at Mount Sinai Medical School who is believed to reveal the content of compounds effective against dementia not only in flesh but also in grape seeds. Grape seed extract called GSPE proven to provide the same effect with its juice.

Alzheimer's is one cause of dementia in the elderly, which occurs due to brain function decline. The most common characteristic of this disorder is easy to forget, and eventually patients lose brain function as well as other cognitive abilities. (Go4Healthy /****)


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