Thursday, July 21, 2011

5 women's issues

Almost every woman experiencing some health problems who are reluctant to be disclosed to others, even including the doctor. For example, approximately 3.24 million women each month overcome cellulite. What are the health problems that make women feel ashamed to reveal it? Here are a few:

1. Stretch marks
Stretch marks are the conditions which caused stretching of the skin due to raising or weight loss. Especially for women in Indonesia who brown-skinned, stretch marks will be easily visible. Various solutions such as the use of lotion was not really effective. Real key is prevention. Be diligent use lotion vitamin that helps keep skin supple and prevent loosening of skin tissue that can cause stretch marks.

2. Cellulite
Every woman is almost certain to have cellulite. Yes, even the gorgeous celebrities who we idolakan. The only natural way to cure cellulite, which is once again, prevention.Exercise helps reduce cellulite by reducing the thickness of fat. Cellulite cream is not 100 percent effective. Even if you have surgery costemic, there is no guarantee that you will not get cellulite again.

3. Young gray
If you have not reached the age of 30's or early 40's and your hair was gray, it means you are experiencing premature hair. Usually, premature gray hair is a result of parental genes. However, it does not mean that you are experiencing premature aging. Relax, you stay healthy really.

4. Pimples on buttocks
That's not acne, keratosis pilaris but the skin condition is not dangerous. You may also have melihatntya on the forearm, thigh, back or even the cheek. This condition is easily appear-disappear by itself. How long the condition lasts depends on everyone's skin type.

5. Easy sweating
Hyperhidrosis is a condition that makes you sweat even when you're sitting in a cool room. You should discuss the condition with your doctor. He will tell you if you need further treatment when sweating hamper daily life and social interaction. (MI / ICH)

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