Monday, July 25, 2011

Beware, Diabetes Can Attacking Our Children

Who says diabetes mellitus (DM) was only identified by a human adult or parent?
Diabetes also can affect children, even babies aged seven months. Unfortunately, the initial symptoms can not be detected so clearly.

"Parents are well aware of the condition of children who show symptoms like frequent urination, always thirsty and hungry, tired, weight loss, shortness of breath, a fungal infection of the skin, blurred vision, vomiting or abdominal pain. But the hallmark of children who suffer from this DM, the acid or acetone smelling breath. Immediately consult a doctor, "said Dr. Aman Bhakti Pulungan, SpA (K), Project Program Manager World Diabetes Foundation and Chairman of the Association of Asia Pacific Experts Endocrinology Children (APPES).

DM has the potential to impair growth and development of children. DM may result from genetic factors, diet, and environment. Not to mention coupled with social factors and social welfare were minimal. Because of that, the DM became the most serious health problem in the world since more than 25 years.

Type 1 diabetes occurs as a result of glucose metabolism disorders characterized by chronic hyperglycemia. It occurs due to damage-producing cells of the salivary glands insulindi stomach or pancreas. Insulin is a hormone essential to maintain the balance of sugar in the body.

Then how do I detect it? Early detection can be performed in the laboratory examination of blood sugar. The normal blood sugar levels that is 100-140 mg / dl.

When your child turns out to detect diabetes mellitus, then immediately consult with a pediatrician. Treatment is usually by injecting the insulin. Unfortunately, the price is quite expensive insulin. Because of that, the Indonesian Pediatric Association sought to bring the government subsidizes health care for the child's insulin which is the future of the nation.

So, better to know the potential of DM in children in order to handle any faster, right? (RRN)


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1 comment:

Ujan sharma said...

Very good points you wrote here..Great stuff...I think you've made some truly interesting points.Keep up the good work.

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